Jodi Tiahrt is Visual Perfection

Jodi Tiahrt / @iamjoditiahrt
Hair Suzy Espinoza / @stylesbysuzy
Makeup Jessica Zuniga / @chicanajay
Spray tan Michelle / @tans_bymichellehoney
Tell us about the moment you found out you would be featured in the magazine. What was your initial reaction? I am so excited and humbled to be landing another cover with Playboy. Being part of an iconic magazine is a dream come true and I am very excited to be a part of the Playboy legend.
Can you share your favorite shot or spread from the magazine and why it holds special significance for you? I got to do a cowgirl theme shoot at Nelson’s Ghost Town outside of Las Vegas. I am originally from South Dakota, so this theme was very fitting for me and my personality. Even though I was never a real cowgirl, getting to be a sexy cowgirl for a day was a lot of fun.

When you’re not working, what helps you decompress and relax? Working out will always be my go-to for decompressing and relaxing. I love to run outdoors and hit the weights. Fitness is my natural stress relief and mood booster.
What’s the strangest fan encounter you’ve ever had? When a fan asked for a piece of my hair.
What’s the best “wardrobe malfunction” story that you can now laugh about? When I was onstage at a bikini fitness competition my top came undone.
What are some of your biggest dreams you hope to achieve? I am currently in law school, so I want to pass the bar exam and become a practicing attorney.

What’s the weirdest beauty tip or trick you’ve picked up? Nail stickers. I have never worn fake nails, but I recently discovered nail stickers that make your nails look like you just walked out of the salon.
If you were stranded on a deserted island with only one accessory, what would it be? My toothbrush. I could not live without brushing my teeth several times a day.
What’s your go-to guilty pleasure snack? Peanut butter. Who doesn’t love peanut butter?

What is the absolute worst thing a man can do to completely put you off? The worst thing a man can do is talk about their exes. Huge red flag.
What advice would you give to aspiring models? Never give up on your dream to model. You are never too old to start. Practice your poses in the mirror and see what poses look best on you. Shoot with many different photographers to get different looks. You never know who is watching.
Thanks for taking the time to speak to us, do you have any last words for our readers? A huge thank you to the amazing team who helped me look my best for this shoot.