Sun-kissed Beauty

with Playboy Norway September 2022 cover star Elizabeth Chevalier / @marieechev

Photographer: Mike Cohen / @mikecohenphotos 

PR: LA Media Group / @la.mediagroup 

Elizabeth, happy to have you on Playboy Finland! For our readers out there, give us a bit of background on your career. Hello, so excited to be on the cover of Playboy Finland! A brief introduction of me … I’ve been a model for 11 years now having been on many major magazine covers throughout the years, music videos, tv shows, billboards, movies, etc. I started modeling at 16 with my former agency doing traditional e-commerce/ print modeling for many major brands as well as acting, and from there i went into swimwear and bikini modeling. My social media grew rapidly as did my modeling career which led me to booking huge gigs. My career continues to grow and I am so grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had throughout my career. I love my playboy family!

Have you ever visited Scandinavia? Unfortunately, I have never been to Scandinavia I heard it is a beautiful country it’s definitely on my bucket list! 

Top 3 destinations in the world? My top 3 destinations are 1) Israel, which I went to in 2017 and it is by far my favorite place I have ever traveled. So much culture I loved the cuisine in Jaffa, the beauty of floating in the Dead Sea, and the history of Jerusalem is unmatched. It’s definitely a place I would love to travel back to and spend more time exploring! 2) Bali, which is where we shot this Playboy cover and spread! It was an eye-opening experience full of pure joy, happiness, and love. You really feel the peace and serenity the moment you land in Bali. 3) The Maldives, this place is seriously another world. I went in 2018 for my birthday and I remember how gorgeous and colorful the fish were snorkeling.

How adventurous would you consider yourself to be?  On a scale of 1-10 I’m 100 when it comes to being adventurous I am always game for new experiences.

What is the wildest thing you have ever done, and would you top that?  The wildest thing I have ever done is solo skydiving a few shots of tequila deep 10/10 would recommend, but do not try this! Yes, I will definitely try to top this!

What type of man is likely to catch your attention? A man who would catch my attention is real, a “salt of the earth type”, doesn’t bullshit, has a wild side, and emotional intelligence is sexy.

Having been on multiple Playboy covers all over the world, what makes you the ultimate Playboy fantasy? What makes me the ultimate Playboy fantasy is my sensual and upbeat personality. I live life to the fullest and love to the deepest depths. Also, very kinky.

What makes you tick? What makes me tick is passion. I need it to live and to love. It makes me feel alive I especially love seeing it in others. 

Describe to us what your most exhilarating experience being swept off your feet was. The most exhilarating swept-off-my-feet experience was meeting someone, falling in love overnight and booking a vacation, and falling more in love on the vacation then booking another vacation. I’m all for the whirlwind romance. 

What is the one thing you want people out there to know about you that hasn’t been said before? What I would love people out there to know about me is I am a survivor, which i have never talked about. I survived a childhood illness that took the first 7 years of my life. So, every moment I cherish and appreciate how beautiful, yet fragile life is. It humbled me and made me empathetic to everyone I come across in my life. 

Where can our readers catch up with you? Everyone can catch up with me on Instagram! It’s my only social media. I’m always up to no good 😉 

Favorite quote of all time to end our interview with?   My favorite quote of all time is a bit from a poem “Do not love half lovers… Do not live half a life and do not die half a death”. By Khalil Gibran.