with Playboy Finland September 2022 cover star Polina Larina / @polina.top.69

Photography by Olga Novikova / @olga_novikova_life

MUA Kristina Vertyagina / @vertyaginabeauty

PR: LA Media Group / @la.mediagroup

Such an absolute honour to have you on Playboy! Talk to us about your career and what made you get into the industry? I was always interested in helping people. Sex is something that everyone does, but not so many people are ready to talk about it honestly and openly, because of cultural and social taboos, and so I have started that conversation. I Have created my own courses on the topic of sex, to help girls and guys discover their sexuality and to know how to make their partners happier and more satisfied.

What is your favourite thing to do? I love photo shoots, the atmosphere – looking for new ideas, preparations, process and, of course, the results. Also, I dance bachata, do boxing and enjoy going to the gym. Like drawing paintings and writing stories, I hope it would become a book one day!

What does it mean for you to be seen as a strong, intelligent, ambitious woman? It means just being myself. Do my best to realise my small and big goals. Be patient, don’t give up, if Iface up with some difficulties, believe in everything that am I doing!

What would you say makes you stand out in the industry? I’m open with people, smart and sexy. Simple things, but it’s quite rare to have them as acombination here.

What puts the biggest smile on your face? My photos on the cover of Playboy magazine would make me smile and happy for sure.Also, I’m always happy when I get letters of gratitude from my followers and clients.

What are some of your biggest passions? My job is one of my biggest passions. All the time I’m trying to grow and be a better version of myself. And I have some typical girl passions: fancy bags, expensive shoes, and Agent Provocateur lingerie.

3 ultimate deal breakers when it comes to men?

1. If a man can’t keep his word and doesn’t keep the promises he makes.

2 If he is trying to restrict me doing something I enjoy. For example, if he would say that I should stop with erotic shootings or can’t wear something that I like.

3. I could never be with a toxic person, unhappy with everyone and everything around.

What are some of the things that attract you to a man? I like strong personalities with good heart.I like guys with clear goals and strategy, how to achieve them, who knows how to make and spend money, and at the same time he should care about me and be with me on the same wavelength.

What is the most daring thing you have ever done? I went on a first date to South Africa. May be now it doesn’t sound that risky, but that was theother part of the world, and I knew the guy just for a short time, by texting!

What is the best way to approach you as an admirer? My language of love is care and gifts, I think that is the best way to show that the guy is reallyinterested in me.

Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? My Instagram: @Polina.Top.69.

We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? Thank you so much for reading. It is the greatest honour to be here. When I was a young girl, I was dreaming to become a Playboy cover girl and am happy, because today that dream become true!