Social Butterfly

with Bella Rome / @dgabella

HMUA Bridget Martinez / bridgetzglam

Happy to have you feature on Playboy! Can you give us a bit of a background on your career as a model and where it all started? I began my modeling career in 2019 in conjunction with my successful influencer career. Moving to modelling seemed like a natural next step in my career.

What are some of your best career highlights so far? My best career highlights are actually more related to my social media content creation. I’ve been working with new and exciting people almost every week which makes me really enjoy my work every day.

Social media is a very powerful tool, given your massive following, what are some of the challenges you face when it comes to marketing your brand and maintaining a solid following? My biggest challenge is being myself in a time where personal views in society have a deep rift between opposing views. I always worry about offending a segment of the population. It’s also always somewhat of a challenge to constantly create fresh new content, but it’s a challenge I love at the same time. I like that it keeps me on my toes.

Can you give us a breakdown of a typical day in the life of a glamourous model on set? Many people may be surprised at just how normal (and busy) my day is. I like to make sure I spend time with my family every day. I also spend some time every day focusing on content creation and brand management. Some days are reserved for wardrobe planning. My biggest challenge is trying to fit everything I have to do into just 16 hours a day.

What are some of the biggest misconceptions people have about what you do? The biggest misconception is that we live a glamorous life. I work hard every day; it requires spending a lot of time doing tedious tasks. I have no complaints though; I love my job and my life.

Now we know there are some pretty perks that come with being a beautiful woman, what would say are your favorite ones? My favorite perk is being wined and dined. I live in LA and we have some amazing restaurants. I would consider myself an extreme foodie. Food and drinks are definitely the way to win my heart. I have been on the same amazing dinner dates, and when I say amazing I am referring to the food!

Given that you’re a stunning woman who undoubtedly gets a lot of attention, what are some of the nicest things men have done to try and get your attention? I routinely get invitations to travel to different places around the world from men I have never even met. It’s extremely flattering and something I’m super thankful for. I’m able to experience things that I never thought would be possible.

What makes you feel sexy? I know this might sound crazy, but I actually feel sexiest when I’m in my workout clothes, post-workout. There’s just something so sexy about walking around sweaty in my tight leggings and sports bra. Maybe it’s the thought of looking cute in the gym or knowing my body is being cared for. Or maybe it’s just the endorphins, LOL.

3 things that you can’t go a day without? Three things I can’t go a day without are: 1) My morning beverage. I tend to change it up every once in a while, but I usually have an iced chai- I can’t function without it. 2) Hand lotion and lip balm, I use both about 10 times a day. My friends’ joke that I’m addicted. 3) My phone. My phone has so many uses. It’s my lifeline to friends, family, and followers. Its entertainment. It’s my workspace. So much more too.

Anything exciting we should be on the lookout for coming through this year from you? I’m being recruited for some television shows. I can’t really go into details, but you will likely see me on one sometime over the next year. I’m also working on a new type of TikTok account and am creating a new YouTube channel. The YouTube channel will most likely be a collaborative ensemble group. I’m super excited about both.

Where can our readers find out more about you and stay updated with your current events and adventures? My readers can find all my current information at

Thank you so much for sitting down with us and letting us get to know you! Any last words for our readers out there? I would just like to thank you for giving me this opportunity. I also want my fans to know that I’m extremely grateful for them. I really do love communicating with them and look forward to hearing from them!