The Perfect Figure

with Katherine Smith
Photography by Bruce Colero – @brucecolero
MUA Kyle Mckellar – @kylemakeupmckellar
Shoot assistant Daniele Hawkins – @danyellehawkins
Describe yourself in three words.
Ambitious, generous, and playful.
Were you excited to shoot for Playboy?
Of course! I think everybody has heard of Playboy. To be on the pages of an iconic magazine is a dream.
What was it like starting out as a model?
I actually started in at age 18 in London, England. My first casting was terrifying and I couldn’t walk in my heels. I was so nervous and excited at the same time. I was visibly shaking. But I did get the job.

What would you consider to be your biggest challenge as a model so far?
Not comparing myself to others. I think a lot of women feel pressured to look a certain way. Sometimes society makes it hard to feel enough in your own skin.
Describe your perfect day off when you are not modelling?
I would enjoy a spa day with a girlfriend. After that we would go out for dinner… oysters and wine. To conclude the night, I would watch Netflix and cuddle with my dog.
Do you feel more like a city person or a country person?
I live in Toronto Canada so I’d say I’m a city person. However, Canada does face extreme weather conditions, which means that living rurally has a lot of challenges. You have to plough snow from your drive, put grit and salt on the walkways. I definitely don’t want to dig snow. As long as I live in Toronto, Condo life is the only option for me, however if I lived somewhere warmer, I would choose to live closer to nature.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I love where I live now. I love Canada and Toronto. I’d like to spend more time in Europe. There are so many beautiful cities that I haven’t seen yet. I spent some time in China and really enjoyed that. I think I could live in Beijing. It was such an interesting place.
Do you have a secret talent?
I can roll my tongue and flip my eyelids. It’s really gross. Don’t ask me to demonstrate.
A guilty pleasure?
Stranger things. I binged an entire season over like 2 days. It may have even been one day.

Which song is absolutely certain to make you cry whenever you hear it?
Nirvana: All Apologies. That last MTV performance is so sad to watch even now.
What is your favourite word in any language and what does it mean?
Ni hao – “Hello” in Mandarin. I love the sound.
Any last words you would like to share with the readers?
Feel free to check out my profile on Instagram miss_katherine_smith Thank you for reading!

To see more of Katherine follow her on Intagram @miss_katherine_smith for all her latest news and stories!