Live It Up With 1972 Playmate of the Year Liv Lindeland
Aspiring actress Liv Lindeland was looking for adventure when she flew to the United States from her native Norway in 1965. “It was my restlessness that made me decide to come to America,” she said. “I came just for a visit, but when I arrived, I liked the country and the people so much I decided to stay.” Settling in Los Angeles, Liv found acting roles in both television and film and eventually became a talent agent, but it was in the pages of Playboy that she made history. With her sun-soaked 1971 Centerfold, Liv became the first Playmate to show a tuft of clearly exposed pubic hair (though nether fuzz had made its inaugural magazine appearance on a non-Playmate in 1969). Readers everywhere appreciated her moxie, and Liv won the title of Playmate of the Year for 1972.