This Japanese Designer Turned a Dom Pérignon Vintage into a Crystal Work of Art
Most people have the same thought when they drink fancy Champagne: “Hey, this is pretty good, and also, how the hell is it January already?” But Tokujin Yoshioka is not most people. When the Japanese artist and designer drinks fancy Champagne, he thinks, “Hey, this is pretty good, and also, I’m going to turn it into a three-dimensional hologram thing with an accompanying crystal case.”
Yoshioka, who has made his bones in the art world by playing with light, refraction and reflection, recently partnered with French bubbly brand Dom Pérignon to create a limited-edition bottle of its acclaimed Vintage 2009 Champagne. He follows in the footsteps of other visionaries like Karl Lagerfeld, Jeff Koon and even David Lynch.
The result is a doozy: Yoshioka took Dom’s shield label and transformed it into a brilliant, sparkling hologram that, when dropped in a Baccarat-crafted block of three crystals, creates a transparent, colorful prism that is very Dark Side of the Moon. See Yoshioka’s “Prism” in action here. The piece “celebrates the sunlight that embraced the Champagne region during the harvest year,” according to Dom Pérignon’s site.
“Light is the bridge between our shared aesthetic ideals and creative values,” said Yoshioka in a press release. “And as it happens, the notions of light, transparency, and brilliance are especially relevant for Dom Pérignon Vintage 2009.” It’s a fine, somewhat nebulous quote, but “I just wanted to do some cool shit” would’ve sufficed.
The limited-edition bottle looks to retail for around $188, but prices may vary. Find your nearest Dom provider here, and then maybe go dig out your old Pink Floyd records.